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Gold hits record highs as investors move in
NEW YORK: For lack of a better option, investors are flooding into gold.

Gold prices hit a record high Wednesday, settling at $1,292.10 after a rally that started late Tuesday.
The run-up came after the Federal Reserve indicated it will leave interest rates historically low, and might be open to printing more money to stimulate a weak economy. The news sent the dollar lower, and big investment funds snapped up gold as a safe haven.
Federal Reserve ini adalah tunjang sistem kapitalism di muka bumi ini. Pemain utama ekonomi dunia. Kita lihat di atas bahawa Federal Reserve ingin mencetak lebih duit. Terus nilai dollar jatuh kerana pelabur tahu bahawa cetak lebih duit akan menyusutkan nilai wang kertas. Jadi mereka beli apa? BELI EMAS